SQL uses simple keywords to do the work. If you want to select all the records from a table, the words SELECT and FROM are used, along with the "all records" symbol, which is *:
SELECT * FROM table_name
If you look at the top half of the NetBeans window, you'll see that a SELECT
statement has already been set up: (NOTE: SQL is not case sensitive)
select * from ADMIN.WORKERS
This says "Select all the records from the table called Workers".
(The ADMIN part, before the dot of Workers, is something called a Schema. This
describes the structure of the database, but also identifies things like users
and the privileges they have. Don't worry about schemas, as we won't be going
into them.)In NetBeans, you run a SQL statement by clicking the Run button on the toolbar:
The WHERE Clause
To narrow down your search results, you can use a WHERE clause with the
SELECT statement:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE
After the keyword WHERE you need the name of a column from your table. You
then type an equals sign, followed by a value. As an example, here's a SQL
statement that returns all the programmers in our table:
To try this SQL Statement out, right-click your table name in the Services
area. From the menu that appears, select Execute Command:When you click on Execute Command, a new window appears. Type the above SQL Statement, and then click the Run icon:
The results will be displayed in the bottom half of the window:
As you can see, two rows are returned from the query.
You can also use the keyword LIKE with the WHERE clause. This then replaces the equals sign. LIKE is usually used with a wildcard character. The wildcard character % means "any characters", for example, while an underscore is used for just a single character.
Instead of the equals sign or the keyword LIKE, you can also use the conditional operators (Greater Than, Less Than, etc.). If we had a salary column, we could search for all workers who are getting paid more than 1000 a week:
SALARY > 1000
Try running the following SQL Statement:
How many results are displayed?We'll leave SQL Statements there, as we now have enough to start programming. Before doing so, however, close down the connection to your table by right clicking it in the Services are. From the menu, select Disconnect:
We'll connect to this database and table again, using Java code this time
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