Sunday, 30 August 2020

Sitecore Certification Sample Questions - Part 8

1. Which model defines the CLR types, facets, and events?

a. xDB model

b. Sitecore

c. xConnect Collection model

d. xConnect search

Answer: c

2. What's the second pillar of Experience Manager?

a. Field

b. Item

c. Template

d. Content

Answer: d

3. Which one the following user needs to specify when inserting an item from a template in Sitecore?

a. Template Location

b. Item Name

c. Data Source

d. Title Name

Answer: a,b

4. How developers can add multiple items at once?

a. Sitecore Explorer > Right-click an item> Add New Item > Click Add on the Add new dialog box

b. Solution Explorer > Right-click an item> Add New Item > Click Add on the Add new dialog box

c. Content Editor> Right-click an item> Add New Item > Click Add on the Add new dialog box

d. None of the above

Answer: a

5. How does the Sitecore handles an item without a Display Name?

a. Generate an exception

b. Name is used as a fallback

c. Hides the item

d. None of the above

Answer: b

6. Name and Display appear on the content item for all users.

a. True

b. False

Answer: b (it displays only for administrators)

7. Which option will allow users to create single version of field value for all languages?

a. Versioned

b. Shared

c. Unversioned

d. Single Versioned

Answer : b

8. Which option will allow users to create unique version of the field value per language?

a. Versioned

b. Shared

c. Unversioned

d. Single Versioned

Answer : c

9. Where does the Sitecore looks for language when user clicks the URL or a link on the web page?

a. The sc_lang query string parameter

b. The language prefix in the path in the requested URL

c. The language cookie associated with the context site

d. The default language associated with the context logical site

e. The DefaultLanguage setting specified in

f. All of the above

Answer: f

10. What layer(s) does the Sitecore.Services.Client framework provides on both the Server and the Client side of the Sitecore applications for the developers to use to develop data-driven applications?

a. Service

b. Project

c. Foundation

d. Data

Answer: a

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