Saturday, 5 September 2020

Sitecore Certification, Interview Sample Questions - Part 13

  1.  Name two key components that make up Sitecore XP
    •  Experience CMS, and marketing platform
  2. Name some of the sites that you can refer to for more information and module downloads
    • SDN, Knowledge Base, Marketplace, Sitecore XP 8, Sitecore XP 8 Documents
  3. What should you do before contacting support?
    • Refer to Help Desk best practices
  4. What are your responsibilities as a developer?
    • Build according to recommended practices
  5. Name three Sitecore interfaces
    • Desktop, Content Editor, Experience Editor
  6. Everything in Sitecore is an...
    • Item
  7. An item is not a...
    • File
  8. An item's URL is determined by...
    • Its position in the Content tree
  9. Name the process by which items are synchronized between the master and web database
    • Publishing
  10. Which Experience Editor mode would you use to add a new component

  • Designing mode


Sitecore Certification, Interview Sample Questions - Part 13

1. Which one of the release adds significant functionality to a product?

a. Service Pack

b. Update

c. Feature Release

d. All of the above

Answer: c

2. Sitecore will not provide individual customers with a hotfix or patch to resolve a single issue or a small number of issues in a Sitecore product.

a. True

b. False

Answer: b

3. How long Sitecore will support the Mainstream Support Phase?

a. 1 year

b. 2 years

c. 3 years

d. Forever

Answer: c

4. Which one of the tool you will use to analyze the log files?

a. Event Viewer

b. Sitecore Log Viewer

c. Log Analyzer

d. Microsoft Word

Answer: c

5. The self-test diagnostics can be run using:

a. Sitecore Diagnostics Toolset

b. Sitecore Control Panel

c. Wndows System settings

d. Sitecore Log Settings

Answer: a

6. You must supply the license ID when you open a ticket with Sitecore.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a

7. What tool can be used to generate a support package for Sitecore support?

a. Support Package Generator

b. Zip application

c. Sitecore Tool Generator

d. All of the above

Answer: a

Sitecore Certification, Interview Sample Questions - Part 13

1. The Search Facets are calculated after the search

a. True

b. False

Answer a

2. The search interface operations allows you to:

a. Remove search results

b. Run bulk operations over all the search results

c. Format search results

d. None of the above

Answer: b

3. What are benefits of using Item buckets in Sitecore?

a. Reduce the number of children per item

b. Hide folder structure and content from Editor's view

c. Allow editors to search the content by bringing the search interface to the forefront

d. All of the above

Answer: d

4. Where do you adjust the item bucket settings in Sitecore?

a. /Content/System/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings

b. /Home/System/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings

c. /Sitecore/System/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings

d. /Dashboard/Control Panel/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings

Answer: c

5. What API is used by the Search UI and Sitecore Buckets?

a. ItemSearch Web API

b. ContentSearch Web API

c. Search Web API

d. ContentSearch API

Answer: d

6. List two libraries that developer needs to construct a search in Sitecore?

a. Sitecore.ContentSearch

b. Sitecore.ContentSearch.Linq

c. Sitecore.context.Item

d. Both a and b

e. None of the above

Answer: d

7. What LINQ IQueryable methods are not supported in Sitecore?

a. GroupBy

b. Aggregate

c. Sum

d. All of the above

Answer: d

8. Which on the following LINQ IQueryable methods are supported in Sitecore?

a. GroupBy

b. Where

c. Contains

d. Any

e. All

f. OrderBy

g. All of the above except a

Answer : g

9. Which one of the following are the official Sitecore documentations?







g. All of the above

Answer: g

10. Which one of the following are the community-driven sources?





e. All of the above

Answer: e

Sitecore Certification, Interview Sample Questions - Part 12

1. Which one of the following maps the item to the current URL?

a. RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem

b. RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.item

c. RenderingContext.Current.URL

d. None of the above

Answer: a

2. Which on the following will help you to easily display contents from an item other than the context item?

a. RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem

b. RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.item

c. RenderingContext.Current.URL

d. None of the above

Answer: b

3. Where do you setup the Data Source location for a component?

a. Component Tool bar> More>Edit Experience Editor Option

b. View> Advanced>Edit Experience Editor Option

c. Home> Advanced>Edit Experience Editor Option

d. Component Tool bar> More>Advanced>Edit Experience Editor Option

Answer: a

4. Which one of the following will allow developer to access the parameters of the component programmatically?

a. @Model.Rendering.Parameters["CssClass"]

b. @RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.Parameters["ButtonText"]

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

Answer c

5. What's the benefit of using Wildcard items in Sitecore?

a. Allows you to work with dynamic URLs

b. It matches to any request

c. It ensures the URL is dynamic

d. All of the above

Answer: d

6. What methods can be used to navigate the tree?

a. .Parent()

b. .GetChildren()

c. .Axes.GetAncestors()

d. .Axes.GetDescendants()

e. All of the above

Answer: e

7. When you use LINQ to sort items, what needs to be done to improve performance?

a. Instruct the GetChildren method not to sort items

b. Execute query right away

c. Instruct Sitecore.Context not to execute the query

d. None of the above

Answer: a

8. When you editing an item, how do you ensure that your changes are made on the Master database only?

a. Point to the Master data using the following statement Var masterDB = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master")

b. Change the database from the Sitecore Desktop view

c. Change the database from the Sitecore Rocks plugin

d. All of the above

Answer: a

9. How do you run code as another user in Sitecore?

a. Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()

b. Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher("usersID")

c. Sitecore.Context.Account.Switch("userid");

d. None of the above

Answer: a,b

10. Where developer can find JavaScript libraries?

a. \Sitecore\shell\client\Services\Assets\lib

b. \Sitecore\shell\configure\Assets

c. \Sitecore\shell\Configure\lib

d. None of the above

Answer: a

Sitecore Certification Sample Questions - Part 11

1. What are the parameters of EditFrame()

a. DataSource

b. Buttons

c. Title

d. Tooltip

e. CssClass

f. Parameters

g. All of the above

Answer: g

2. What is most significant features of the Sitecore system when designing the user experience in Sitecore?

a. dynamic layout engine

b. Static layout engine

c. Data Templates

d. All of the above

Answer: a

3. The recommended practice to when creating a controller rendering is:

a. Requesting the model or view model from the business layer

b. Passing on the model to the required view

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

Answer: c

4. The placeholder settings can:

a. Make placeholders selectable in the Experience Editor

b. Are used to restrict components

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

Answer: c

5. What happens when you create the regular placeholder multiple times on the page?

a. Same content appears on both placeholder definitions with the same key

b. It creates different content in each placeholder

c. It creates a unique key for each placeholder

d. All of the above

Answer: a

6. How can you make sure that each placeholder on the page has a unique key?

a. Create dynamic placeholders using @Html.Sitecore().DynamicPlaceholder("Key")

b. Create static placeholders using @Html.Sitecore().Placeholder("Key")

c. Change the Unique item in placeholder settings

d. None of the above

Answer: a

7. Which standard field is a shared field where you specify the common layout for all languages and versions of the item?

a. _Renderings

b. _Final Renderings

c. _Item Renderings

d. _Shared_Renderings

Answer: a

8. Which standard field is a shared field where you specify Individual layouts for languages and versions of items?

a. _Renderings

b. _Final Renderings

c. _Item Renderings

d. _Shared_Renderings

Answer: b

9. How the layouts are stored in the fields?


b. XML


d. Javascript

Answer: b

10. How does the final presentation gets created in Sitecore?

a. The contents of _Renderings and _Final Rendering fields are merged ("Patched")

b. xml in _rendering field finalized

c. When xml in the _Final Renderings finanlzied

d. None of the above

Answer: a